One Excited Video Queen Cracks The Door On Video Marketing

One Excited Video Queen Cracks The Door On Video Marketing

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A little bit earlier today the Alex Jeffreys coaching group was privy to a ‘way energetic’ Video Queen. Maria Andros comes off as really energetic, upbeat and positive – as in, ignore the fear based recession talk garbage. (Oh, where have you heard that before)

Alex is a student of hers himself as video marketing is new to him as well, he’s only a couple clicks ahead of the rest of us on this, so we all learn together. Well, I took lots of notes, but will condense a lot here just to give the gist of it.

Maria Andros is known as the Video Queen and for good reason, she has it figured out pretty darn good. Part of her story is this. Because she wanted to do things differently than most she started her marketing with videos. She made about 100 grand in her first year as a stone cold internet marketing newbie selling affiliate products!

She talked about using simple YouTube videos to promote anything. Suggestions such as:

  • Be yourself – and you don’t need to dress up,
  • Allow your passion out – “Never apologize for your passion”
  • Don’t get hung up on getting it perfect – experience will take care of that,
  • Describe a problem – provide a solution
  • Relate your story to the problem
  • Research an pick long tail keywords you can compete in – use these on YouTube
  • Recommends using Traffic Geyser to post video on multiple sites quickly
  • Right before making video, get you blood pumping with movement such as jumping jacks
  • . . . and much more.

Just get going and don’t worry about the quality, that will come as you gain experience.

She said,“Your mess is your message”. Meaning, be passionate and tell your story relating to the solution.

Maria says basically it’s all about “Test, tweak, and track”, create a “Conversion Machine.”

She gave us a set of action steps for getting started.

Actually almost any video camera will do, even a pc camera or even a phone! Don;t let the equipment thing stop you. However, if you are considering buying a camera she highly recommends the new HD Mino Flip camera. They are about $200 and are HD, very good quality and small. You don’t need to do as Alex did, spend $1800 for camera stuff.

Getting to hear Maria today is another example of the relationship power from getting hooked up with a fast up and comer like Alex Jeffreys. Realize it’s not just about the project we are all working on but in the relationships we can develop through this – awesome!

Maria Andros on Twitter

On You Tube




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5 thoughts on “One Excited Video Queen Cracks The Door On Video Marketing

  1. Hey John, good post.

    I attended the session, too. I don’t think you missed much here, except maybe her seven-step formula for a successful video. Which is:

    1. Opening welcome–talk to the camera as if it’s your best friend
    2. Establish credibility as an expert and a leader
    3. Share your personal background and a story
    4. Create a hook
    5. People do business with people they like
    6. Paint a problem
    7. Provide a solution
    8. Call to action

    Okay, that’s eight. Maybe number one wasn’t one of the steps. I take horrible notes.

    Paul Livingston

    Paul Livingston’s last blog post..This offer has been pulled

  2. totally agree with Maria Andros or :)

    You can follow me on i am following these steps just start. I will signup to trafficgeyser soon its a great service and i can see why is the success of the video marketing queen.

    Is there a video marketing king? :) just wondering

    Take care great post

  3. I was sorry to have missed this webinar but, as I wrote on my blog, just collapsed due to too much input, and insufficient time out.

    It sounds like it was a good one. Personally I think Traffic Geyser is incredible value for people who seriously want, or need to promote their business.


    Stephen Bray’s last blog post..Increase On-Line Traffic: Would Carl Jung Use TweetDeck?

  4. Hi John,

    I missed the coaching but I expect to catch up soon when the videos go in the members area.
    Many thanks for your comments on Daves blog leave me a comment on my blog and I will add you to my blog roll. I have still not been round all the students blogs yet.
    Good Luck with the video

    Christine’s last blog post..Setting Up Your Weebly Site

  5. Nice work getting started and getting your blog setup. Im trying to get a complete list of all the students for my blogroll and to get to know everyone. Please email with your full name, link, and twitter link if you have one. Best wishes, Ross The Boss

    Ross’s last blog post..Big Thanks To Alex Jeffreys


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